Sunday 19 June 2016

My post-op appointment

So, yesterday I had my post-op appointment with my surgeon, Mr Tariq (I finally found out his name! ). He wasn't very concerned except where my parathyroid glands were concerned; they still aren't maintaining a good calcium level. I had stopped getting tingly hands and feet so thought I didn't need to take my Sandoocal effervescent calcium tablets anymore. However, I kept getting muscle cramps and a weird sensation in my hand (kind of like it was seizing up), which I thought were also cramps at the time. When I saw my doctor yesterday, he told me I must be getting these symptoms without me uttering a word. He knew this because of how low my calcium levels were. As a result, he upped my Vitamin D dose to two tablets a day, and I also need to take my Sandocal twice a day as well. According to him, my Grave's disease meant that my bones are lacking calcium so when I consume any now, it goes straight into my bones and doesn't stay in my blood. Hopefully I can get this under control soon.

Another thing he mentioned was the amount of glue still on the skin around my incision. I'm really squeamish so I haven't been much inclined to clean it - even removing the tape was a challenge. I've also been avoiding getting it wet when I shower as well which probably is the reason behind there being still so much glue on the skin. I've been wiping it with damp cotton pads and bit by bit the glue is coming off. The wound itself isn't sore but I've never been one to have people touch my neck so the sensation of touching it to get the glue off is weird and I can't do it for too long.

I did forget to ask him if I can start rubbing oil or cream on it, I think I can from the information in the booklet I got before surgery but I still want to be sure. Also, I want to know if I can use coconut oil which they didn't list in the booklet but I think it will work just as well and help to get the glue off my skin. I will call the office on Monday and ask a member of staff about it.

He didn't mention my TSH or T4 levels so I'm going to assume that they were okay. As usual, I will update my blog with any new information.

Staciah x

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