Friday 17 June 2016

Two weeks post-op update

This past week has been much better than the first and it's about time; I'm happy to report that I'm pretty much back to normal.

The wound itself has a large scab over the top and has been like that since I took the tape off of it. The soreness disappeared quite quickly after my operation but on Sunday my cousin came over and I laughed so hard that under the skin in my neck around the incision became sore to the touch. That soreness went away after a couple of days and the only thing I feel is a bit of stiffness when I swallow but that isn't as bad as it used to be either. Also, the skin just above the incision is numb but that too has lessened over the course of the week. On the plus side, I've got most of the movement back in my neck and can look in all directions and over my shoulder without any discomfort.

I've been taking my Levothyroxine tablets (I'm on 100mg daily) and I've been feeling quite well. From reading blogs prior to going into hospital, I convinced myself that I would feel crappy but I've been feeling like my old self. I had a lot of fatigue last week but that has gone now; I'm still not sure why I was feeling like that but I'm happy it's over. I'm not sure if my doctor will change the dosage but so far I feel really good so we'll see.

I was also worried about gaining weight as I've been thin my whole life and from reading blogs, I found that a lot of people who had a total thyroidectomy reported weight gain in the months following. I did gain about 5lbs right after surgery but about 4 days after, I went back to my starting weight, 136lbs. I'll continue to monitor it, but it's been two weeks and I've not seen any change in my weight so fingers crossed it stays that way.

Other than that, there's really not much to report as I'm feeling quite normal. My post-op appointment is tomorrow, Saturday 18th, so we'll see how that goes. I haven't been rubbing anything on my wound at all so once I get the all clear I'll ask my surgeon what I can use to moisturise it. The area around it can be a bit sensitive occasionally though so I'm not sure how that will go but I'll update my blog on that too in the coming weeks.

Also, I know I haven't posted any photos yet but hopefully soon I'll get a progress post up. Possibly for my one month update.

Thanks for reading!

Stace x

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