Friday 1 July 2016

One month post-thyroidectomy update

I cannot believe a whole month has passed; it seems like yesterday in my mind!

The scar has began to heal quite nicely in my opinion; it is a little raised in some areas but not as much as last week. I was left with a lot of glue on the site which I mistook for a scab initially but my doctor told me during my check up that I should take it off with warm water. So, during the course of last week I would hold a wet cotton pad on it for a couple of minutes and then more of the glue would come off. I must admit that I was afraid of it hurting but as long as the area was moist enough, it peeled off like PVA glue and I wasn't in any pain. If I did feel anything, I just held another wet cotton pad on the area for a little longer and attempted it a second time. There's still a very little bit left but that will continue to come off with regular cleaning.

2 weeks post-op: What I thought was a large scab was actually surgical glue

1 month post-op: Majority of surgical glue has now been removed

I have also been rubbing organic coconut oil on the area morning and night (when I can remember) to keep it moisturised. The booklet I received prior to my operation detailed that I could use E45 lotion or Bio Oil, but none of those appealed to me and, as I forgot to ask my surgeon about it during my last appointment, I thought I would try coconut oil as it is filled with vitamins and minerals. I am not sure whether it will work to minimise scaring but I was told from the hospital staff that the gentle massaging sensation on the area helps it in healing flat and softens the recovering muscles beneath the skin. I do have an appointment next Wednesday so I will ask my doctor more about it then.

In terms of pain, it does feel a little sensitive when I massage the oil into it even though I am doing it quite gently. It isn't excruciating but it does feel uncomfortable so it means I cannot massage the area for too long in one sitting. However, the movement in my neck has come back completely and I have no pain or discomfort when I swallow, as I did in the first week or so following my procedure. The area directly above the incision is still quite numb though, so it does feel very strange when I touch it but I am hoping that will go away soon and the feeling will come back.

I have continued to take my alfacalcidol (Vitamin D) and Sandocal calcium tablets but I will see the results of that next week. I am hoping my parathyroid glands have started working again because I haven't felt any pins and needles, cramps, or weird sensations in my hands since my dosages were upped. I REALLY despise the taste of the Sandocal though, I must be honest. It is supposed to be an orange flavour but I don't like anything dissolved in water, it never tastes right, to me. I have therefore increased my calcium intake and have been drinking more milk and eating more yoghurt but my appetite still isn't the same as it was.

Sadly, I don't think the thyroidectomy had any effect on my thyroid eye disease (TED) as my eyes continue to water regularly. I knew that there was a chance of it having no effect, and due to the hospital not getting my dosages right initially and leaving my TED to spiral out of control, I thought that would be the case but I was hoping to be proven wrong. As it stands, I am still taking my selenium tablets every day but even those aren't seeming to make any difference.

All in all, however, I feel very much back to normal and know I will only continue to improve.

Thank you for reading and take care!

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